
CGST Solutions

Specializing in security policy and civic education


Specializing in security policy and civic education, through research, education, and policy analysis for government, private sector, and nonprofit clients.

CGST Solutions – a limited liability company 

  • Applying Critical – Global – Strategic Thinking to help you achieve your objectives
  • Bringing a wealth of experience in government, academe, & non-profit management
  • Specializing in security policy and civic education
  • Through research, education, and policy analysis
  • For government, academic, private sector, and nonprofit clients



Colorado Springs, CO 80918


(719) 663-3515

What We Do

CGST Solutions works with you to solve problems, applying Critical – Global – Strategic Thinking to help you understand the many hidden faces of an issue and chart a strategy that achieves your objectives.

Critical thinking

The art of questioning fundamental assumptions about the world as we see it.  More often than not, our assumptions about an issue channel our thinking into preconceived outcomes.

Global thinking

The art of seeing issues in the broadest possible context, connected to a larger environment in ways that shape both limitations and opportunities.  If we narrow our “aperture” to see only that which is around us, then we limit our understanding of our own issues.

Strategic Thinking

The art of aligning our objectives, or ends, with the resources, or means, to achieve them.  Sound strategy is not a checklist, but a constant balancing act to ensure we take advantage of every possibility to achieve our ends without exhausting our resources by overreaching.

The common denominator?  To think constructively about issues is an art, not a science.  Once one understands “how to think” about an issue, the rest of the puzzle is easier.



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